Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nice Phone

In the past, a cell phone was purely used for talking to someone in another area; it was a basic means of communication. In the mid to late 1980s, the first generation of cell phones were installed in cars, using the DC outlet of a car battery to hold its charge. However, the cell phone has been revolutionized. Now, there is an expansive variety of cell phones to choose from, like the Samsung Tint, a simple flip phone from MetroPCS, to the famous Android X from Verizon Wireless. In addition to having a cell phone, there are a number of cell phone carriers available to the public. Cell phone companies like Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, and AT&T are the most recognizable to name.

So, what’s the difference between choosing an android phone to a simplistic flip phone? The amenities, of course. For example, the Android X, the latest phone from Verizon Wireless, is nothing less than extraordinary. To name a couple of features, it fashions one of the largest internal memories, 8 gigabytes, for emails, text messages, applications; it captures the most precise camera images with its 8.0 mega pixel camera, it has advanced speech recognition(you can literally speak to create a text message),and it even has desk documents, like Microsoft Word, so you can type up an upcoming paper on your very own cell phone.

In the past, it was a luxury to have a phone to talk to a distant friend or relative. Even in times of an emergency, not everyone had a cell phone handy to call for help. The transition occurred that having a cell phone was a necessity. It is one item that almost every person physically possesses traveling anywhere, even down the street to the local grocery store. Furthermore, it has transformed into a valuable asset. Having features such as mobile internet access on one’s cell phone is a requirement for most people, even the 16-year-old high school student.

In a sense, your cell phone represents you as an individual. This seems like a far-fetched statement, but giving it more thought, it is relevant. Having a cell phone like the Droid X equates to the message that either an one is wealthy or lucky. Questions pop up like how you could afford such a phone, what kind of job you have, to who bought your cell phone. It has even become a part of casual conversation. A simple question such as what kind of phone you have turns into a longer conversation to what are the best phones, the most affordable phones, the most expensive phones, to which companies provide the best service. Cell phones have not only become a useful device or a luxury; they have simply become a commodity to which life would not function without them.

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